Grade 3 Science Incursion: Hands On Science Solids and liquids

8 May 2017

Grade 3 Science Incursion: Hands On Science Solids and liquids

On the 28th April, Year 3 students had a solids and liquids incursion. They investigated the changes that occurred between solid and liquid matter when adding and removing heat.

Students' reflections:

  • "I learnt that wax melts before chocolate powder when placed in hot water. I also learnt that water takes a long time to evaporate"

  • "I learnt that a solid doesn’t flow like water or disappear into the air. I also learnt that melting is the process whereby heat changes something from a solid into a liquid. We melted wax and chocolate. The wax melted first. This incursion was the best I ever had. I learnt a lot about solid, liquid and gas!"

  • "The incursion had lots of chemicals and fire so we had to be careful. I learnt that solid can turn into liquid by melting and liquid can turn into solid by freezing. I have learnt a lot!"

[Ms. Fatma Mohamed – Grade 3 teacher]
