2022 VCE Results

The school’s median score was 32, rendering it to have the highest VCE median score compared to other like Victorian Islamic schools based on the percentage of 40+ results. This implies half of the students achieved a Study Score of 32 or above out 50.

Congratulations to the amazing VCE cohort of 2022 for their outstanding achievements! 

  • The DUX for 2022, Maryam Abbasi, achieved an ATAR of 97.55
  • Followed by Mozzammel Khan, who achieved an ATAR of 96.70

Other statistics of note include: 

  • There was one perfect score in Health and Human Development 
  • 18% of students achieved an ATAR of 90 or above 
  • 41% of students achieved an ATAR of 80 or above 
  • 59% of students achieved an ATAR of 70 or above 
  • 80% of students achieved an ATAR of 60 or above 
  • 19 Study Scores were 40+

We would like to congratulate the dedicated teachers, diligent students, and their leading parents for navigating their ways through the challenges of Year 12.
