The Primary Arts Department at Darul Ulum College of Victoria recognises the need to engage, inspire and enrich all students while encouraging them to reach their full artistic potential. The Arts department provides opportunities for students to learn how to create, design, represent, communicate and share their ideas, emotions, observations and experiences. Our aim is for students to develop a positive disposition towards learning and creating. This is done through many interactive experiences including incursions and student interest-based learning activities. Students also have exposure to many different forms of cultural art, including Islamic Art, they also explore the contributions of Our First Nations People.
At Darul Ulum College of Victoria, literacy is highly valued and integrated into all aspects of education. The school emphasizes the importance of teaching students to apply the positive qualities of Prophet Mohammed’s PBUH life to real-life scenarios to benefit themselves and others. In Year 5 English, students are supported to enhance their self-esteem, confidence, and competence in the English language. The literacy program is personalized to address the needs and interests of all students through individual, peer or buddy support, small group, whole-class activities, and reflection. Teachers implement assessment for learning programs to monitor student achievements, identify student needs, and set goals for future learning.
The English curriculum follows ACARA and is organized into three interrelated strands: Language, Literature, and Literacy. Students engage with a variety of texts, including spoken, written, and multimodal texts, for enjoyment and interpret them. Literary texts include oral narrative traditions, literature of First Nations Australians, and classic and contemporary literature from worldwide authors. The range of literary texts for Year 5 comprises complex sequences of events, elaborated events, and a range of characters that explore interpersonal relationships and ethical dilemmas in real-world and imagined settings. Informative texts supply technical information and content about a wide range of topics, including those being studied in other areas of the curriculum. Text structures may include chapters, headings, subheadings, tables of contents, indexes, and glossaries. Language features may include complex sentences, unfamiliar technical vocabulary, figurative language, and information presented in various types of images and graphics, revealing that English is a dynamic language that changes over time.
Year 5 students create a range of imaginative, informative and persuasive types of texts that may include narratives, procedures, performances, reports, reviews, poetry, arguments and explanations for particular purposes and audiences.
Humanities and Social Sciences in year 5 aims to ensure that students develop:
- a sense of wonder, curiosity and respect about places, people, cultures and systems throughout the world, past and present, and an interest in and enjoyment of the study of these phenomena
- key historical, geographical, civic, business and economic knowledge of people, places, values and systems, past and present, in local to global contexts
- an understanding and appreciation of historical developments, geographic phenomena, civic values and economic factors that shape society, influence sustainability and create a sense of belonging
- the capacity to use disciplinary skills, which includes appropriate questioning, researching using reliable sources, analysing, evaluating and communicating
- Skills required to have an effective participation in everyday life, now and in the future, including the ability to problem-solve critically and creatively, make informed decisions, be a responsible and active citizen, make informed economic and financial choices, and reflect on ethics.
Our Humanities and social sciences lessons are personalised to address the needs and interests of all students within the classroom through a range of resources to enrich the skills and understanding in students. It is integrated into all areas of the curriculum such as English, Art, Technology and the like.
"Australian communities – their past, present and possible futures".
Year 5 curriculum focuses on Australian colonial history, the environment, economy, democracy and citizenship. Students learn about the reasons for the founding of the British colony, the impact of colonisation on the environment, and daily lives of people in and around the colony. They explore the roles of people, including migrants and First Nations Australians, in the colony’s development. Students investigate human influences on the characteristics of a place, the management of severe weather events, and Australia’s democracy. They also learn about natural, human and capital resources and how they satisfy human needs and wants. Inquiry questions provide a framework for developing students’ knowledge, understanding and skills.
They allow for connections to be made within and across the HASS sub-strands or with other learning areas. The following inquiry questions are examples only and may be used or adapted to suit local contexts.
- How have individuals and groups in the past and present contributed to the development of Australia?
- How do people influence environments, and how do consumers and citizens contribute to a sustainable Australia?
- How have people enacted their values, beliefs and responsibilities about people, places and events, past and present?
Mathematics is a crucial life skill, yet many Year 5 students dislike it or believe they are not good at it. Darul Ulum College of Victoria (DUCV) strives to create a welcoming classroom environment that challenges these beliefs and engages students. Specialist maths teachers deliver lessons and use hands-on and online resources based on individual student needs and abilities. DUCV encourages students to participate in various maths events, such as Mathletics advance challenge, Numeracy Week activities, and annual maths competitions like the Times-Table and Problem-Solving Competitions. Year 5 Mathematics builds on prior learning and experiences by developing students’ understanding, fluency, and proficiency with mathematical concepts, procedures, and processes. It helps students make informed decisions and solve problems efficiently, leading to positive attitudes towards mathematics and its use.
- apply their understanding of relationships to convert between forms of numbers, units and spatial representations
- use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems, with guidance, using natural numbers and operations, and report on insights and conclusions they reach about the context
- use common percentages to make proportional comparisons of quantities
- use appropriate instruments and digital tools to construct and measure angles in degrees
- use appropriate metric units to directly measure the area and perimeter of regular and irregular spaces
- locate and move positions within a grid coordinate system
- recognise what stays the same and what changes when shapes undergo transformations
- experiment with factors and multiples using algorithms and digital tools
- plan, conduct and report findings from statistical investigations that involve an increasing range of types of data and means for representing data • develop their reasoning skills when they consider relationships between events and connect long term frequency over many trials to the likelihood of an event occurring.

In DUCV upper primary, science is integrated with other subjects to help students discover and appreciate the natural world and its relevance to their lives. The curriculum emphasises developing scientific skills, such as questioning, investigating, processing, and analysing data to communicate findings. Hands-on activities, experiments, observations, incursions, excursions, and an annual science fair engage students in learning. In Year 5, students investigate how living things survive in their habitat, recognise stable and dynamic aspects of systems, and use models to predict effects of changes. They explore observable phenomena associated with light and matter, developing explanations for the patterns they observe, reflecting on their methods, and identifying potential sources of error before drawing conclusions. By relating scientific concepts to Allah’s creations, students build a deeper connection to the natural world and appreciate the greatness of Allah as Al-Khaliq.
The educational philosophy of the year 5 Tarbiyah program is based on authentic guidance from the Quran and Sunnah. In an overall sense, topics are based on the social, moral, and spiritual growth of the students in accordance with the guidance from Shariah. An in-depth analysis of selective names of Allah swt renders deep insight into His attributes at play within the self and in the universe. Students are encouraged to focus on the qur'anic injunctions perpetually highlighting the need to use one’s mental faculties to ponder over the signs of Allah swt. Students explore major and minor signs pertaining to the day of Judgement and by extension the pathways that lead to each. Exploring the complex idea of death in a broader sense allows students to reconcile the evil and differences in the transitory world and grants meaning to the afflictions that are temporary in nature. This, in turn, helps students establish an outlook on life from a place of God-consciousness and the urgency to prepare for what is meant to last and holds value and meaning. The examining of daily prayer from what is considered permissible, liked, disliked in Islam addresses the jurisprudential aspect of this pillar of Islam much needed at their age. To reinforce the profound emphasis on Allah swt’s never-ending mercy and forgiveness for those who repent, the story of Prophet Yunus (as) is included in this year’s level. This very inclusion shifts the perspective from hopelessness and depression to hope and light which is critical to human beings’ spiritual growth and enlightenment, especially in today’s day and age. To further capitalize on the centrality of forgiveness, the seerah excerpts from the conquest of Mecca have been integrated alongside the Prophet Muhammad’s PBUH reformative and visionary mission for the spread of Islam.
The educational philosophy of the year 5 Tarbiyah program is based on authentic guidance from the Quran and Sunnah. Establishing a timeless connection with the Creator is a major focus and students can understand the significance of actions that lead to His swt approval in this world and the next. By drawing a comparison between actions that lead to paradise and hellfire, students can acquire a sense of self-rectification needed to initiate the spiritual purification of the believers. The inclusion of jurisprudential aspects of prayer deemed as fard, wajib and the distinctions associated with Sunnah as muwakaddah, ghayr-muwakkadah, witr prayers, and nafl are discussed in good length. It is so structured to highlight the centrality of prayer in the life of a Muslim and the sense of responsibility towards the fulfillment of his/her obligations towards Allah swt in a manner most pleasing to Him. Through integrating Seerah excerpts in the syllabus, students can appreciate the love He PBUH had for his ummah and feel motivated to adopt the most beautiful characteristics of his PBUH personality as a sign of reverence and dedication towards Him and his blessed mission.
Health and Physical Education
Health and Physical Education enables students to develop skills, understanding and willingness to positively influence the health and wellbeing of themselves and their communities. In an increasingly complex, sedentary and rapidly changing world, it is critical for every young Australian to flourish as a healthy, safe, active and informed citizen. It is essential that young people develop their ability to respond to new health issues and evolving physical activity options.
Integral to Health and Physical Education is the acquisition and application of movement skills, concepts and strategies across a range of physical activity contexts. This enables students to participate confidently and competently when moving. Movement is a powerful medium for learning through which students can acquire and practise personal, social and cognitive skills. When learning in movement contexts, students gain skills, understanding and dispositions that support lifelong physical activity participation and enhanced movement performance.
In Health and Physical Education, students develop personal and social skills through interacting with others in classroom and movement contexts. They use health and physical activity resources to enhance their own and others’ wellbeing. Health and Physical Education addresses factors that influence the health, safety, relationships, wellbeing and physical activity patterns of individuals, groups and communities. Students develop the understanding to challenge discrimination, assumptions and stereotypes. They gain skills to take positive action regarding diversity, inclusion, consent and respect in different social contexts.
Health and Physical Education is presented in 2-year band level from Year 5 to Year 6. Content in Health and Physical Education is organised under 2 strands:
- Personal, social and community health
- Movement and physical activity
Incursions and Excursions
Students are encouraged to participate in various incursions and excursions to consolidate their learning.
- Incursion/Excursion to the local library
- Incursion on Public speaking
- Excursion to the State Library of Victoria
- Incursion Author visit
- Excursion to the Parliament house
- Incursion, Geography Mapping
- Incursion for Economics on Market Manoeuvres
- Incursion by Wild action ‘The Zoo Comes to You’ on Australian Animal Adaptations
- Incursion on weathering and erosion
- Incursion on the science of light
- Excursion to Science works
- Excursion to CERES Environmental Park